(Documents reproduced with kind permission of The Papanui Heritage Group. For further information about this group as well as links to history websites, see Useful Links History section)
- St James Park, Papanui (2009) by Christine Grant and Warren Hudson (PDF document)
- The Story of St James Park and St James Avenue (2006) by Jim Gardner (PDF document)
- The Proposed Park for Papanui 1923-1924 by David O'Malley (PDF document)
- The Best Kept Street by Harry Tillman Saturday Star Oct 25th 1922 (PDF document)
St James Ave
- Kete Christchurch: A place for you to create, save and share community stories.
- ChCh City Libraries Street names: ChristchurchStreetNames-S.pdf
- names starting with S (for the whole lot click here)
- includes brief history (on p96)
- St James Ave Oaks
- our old 2006-2007 Blog
- Wikipedia - Papanui
- well written with interesting facts and figures about our area
- City Libraries Local History Resources (pdf)
- Papanui on p.80
- Kete Christchurch: A place for you to create, save and share community stories.
- A Brief History of Papanui (pdf)
- David O'Malley's recent online publication. Great photos!
- From Papanui to Passchendaele:
- Royal Society site about Papanui and World War I.
- A Guide to the Papanui Cemetery (pdf)
- Robert Greenaway's 2007 report
- Includes details of such notables as Charles Upham (VC & bar), Sir Heaton Rhodes MP.